

Sunday - 10AM Worship Service | TUESday - 7PM ZOOM BIBLE STUDY

affirming who we are in christ!

Insert your name and declare the word of the God!

I [Insert Name], do decree and affirm my right to a royal inheritance in Christ.

I suffer with Christ by accepting and affirming the fact that when Christ was crucified

I was crucified with Him, when Jesus Christ suffered. I suffered with Him, n Him I was resurrected

When He was resurrected, and now I am seated with Him in heavenly places, therefore

I am a Winner! I am reigning

I am Powerful in Christ! I am reigning

I am Victorious! I am reigning

I am an Overcomer! I am reigning

I am more than a conqueror! I am reigning

I am Healthy! I am reigning

I am Strong! I am reigning

I am Blessed! I am reigning

I am Loved! I am reigning

No matter what I see, feel or hear in this natural world around me. It cannot contradict the truth

That I [Insert Name] am reigning with Him. It is so, so be it.

In Jesus name,
